
Here, we have a series of tutorials waiting to unlock your skills in digital humanities. We understand the growing importance of leveraging technology in the field of humanities, and our tutorials are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to excel in this domain.


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Markdown Cheat Sheet & Introduction: From Plain Text to Rich Content

Table of Content • Headings • Styling text    â—‹ Bold    â—‹ Italic    â—‹ Bold and Italic    â—‹ Strikethrough    â—‹ Underline    â—‹ Listed items    â—‹ Inline code    â—‹ Code blocks    â—‹ Blockquote • Links • Images • Linked images • Footnotes • Table • Horizontal line • …

Markdown Cheat Sheet & Introduction: From Plain Text to Rich Content Read More »

Jupyter Notebook tips and shortcuts

In our previous article, we covered the basics of launching Jupyter Notebook. Now, let’s move on to explore its features and some of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts. Types of cells Jupyter Notebook relies heavily on the concept of cells. The 2 main types of cells are Code and Markdown. Apart from using the …

Jupyter Notebook tips and shortcuts Read More »

What is Digital Humanities?

This post first appeared on Research Bridge on October 20, 2022. As a highly cross-disciplinary community, Digital Humanities (DH) brings digital methods to bear on traditional humanities scholarship, yet it is not intended to replace the traditional humanities. Rather, it creates new research methodology that allows humanities scholars to critically use big data in the …

What is Digital Humanities? Read More »