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HKADH2025 Call for Papers: “Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Humanities”

Abstract Due Date: 31 August 2024

The Hong Kong Association for Digital Humanities (HKADH) is pleased to announce its inaugural international conference, to be jointly hosted by the University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University on January 16-19, 2025.

Topics of Interest

HKADH2025 welcomes submissions on all aspects of digital humanities, including but not limited to:

  • data mining and information design
  • digital history
  • electronic literature
  • computational literary studies
  • cultural analytics
  • multilingual digital humanities
  • software studies
  • digital archaeology
  • digital art history
  • corpus linguistics
  • digital media studies
  • digital materiality
  • critical infrastructure studies
  • public humanities
  • digital humanities pedagogy

In addition, the HKADH2025 conference aims to bring together academics and practitioners from around the world to explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and the digital humanities. We invite proposals on a wide range of topics within this theme, with a particular emphasis on cutting-edge AI technologies and their applications in the humanities.

Special attention will be given to research involving recent advances in machine learning and AI, including:

  • transformer-based large language models (LLMs)
  • computer vision
  • text-to-image generators
  • multimodal AI
  • retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)
  • AI agents

Given Hong Kong’s strategic position, we especially welcome digital humanities research pertaining to Sinophone corpora, East/West comparisons, and projects focused on Hong Kong, Macau, and the Greater Bay Area. However, we are open to scholars working on any region and language.

Presentation Formats

Interactive Workshops are hands-on demonstrations of new technology, software tools, and digital humanities projects that provide attendees with practical experience with innovative tools and methods.

Posters are ideal for presenting work-in-progress. Poster sessions facilitate interactive discussions with attendees in an interactive format, allowing for immediate feedback and networking opportunities.

Short Papers (10 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions) are for sharing early-stage research and receiving constructive feedback.

Organized Panels (105 minutes), comprised of two to three long papers focused on a joint theme and up to two discussants, require a collective submission of 500-word abstracts along with a 500-word overview of the session’s topic and its relevance to academic discourses in the digital humanities.

Roundtables (105 minutes) with up to five speakers foster in-depth discussions on a specific topic. The organizer must submit a 500-word abstract outlining the session’s theme, its significance, and confirmation of participation from all speakers.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit your proposals through the online submission system:
An individual may participate in up to two sessions.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

  • Miguel Escobar Varela (National University of Singapore), author of Theater as Data
  • Melanie Walsh (University of Washington), co-author of the forthcoming AI for Humanists

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024
  • Conference Dates: January 16–19, 2025


For any enquiries, please contact

HKADH2025 Conference Committee
Hong Kong Association for Digital Humanities