Digital Storytelling with VR

Visual Conservation of Kowloon City’s Heritage


Photos taken by Birdy Chu

Why we do this project

The cherished old shops of Nga Tsin Wai Road in Kowloon City District are set to be demolished by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) within the next decade. This impending change underscores the urgency of digitally preserving our local heritage. In view of this, we are making use of the power of Virtual Reality (VR) to safeguard the old local shops in this area. Our goal is to enlighten the younger generation about the significant role of VR in urban development while deepening the appreciation of Kowloon City District’s culture and history.

Integrate into Teaching and Learning

The VR journey will blend into the existing courses: This integration offers a hands-on approach, enabling students to transform tangible cultural artifacts into enduring virtual memories. Students will be mentored in photogrammetry and crafting physical objects into 3D models that suitable for integrating into VR scenes, thereby adding depth to our projects with their unique stories and viewpoints of the old shops in Kowloon City.

This project is a Teaching and Learning Innovation Project (TLIP) that funded by CEI.

This project is still in progress. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please reach out to us.

Project Team:

  • Qiuzi GUO, Division of Humanities & Library (
  • Birdy CHU, Division of Humanities (
  • Holly CHAN, Library (
  • CHENG Nin Sun, Matthew (student from BEng in Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
  • SHEN Xiao Yuan (student from MPhil in Chemical and Biological Engineering)