Digital Humanities Student Intern (2023 Seed Funding DH Project)
LAU Ming Kit, Jack

January 30, 2024
2023 seed funding faculty project sanbao

Student Reflection

Jack is one of our student interns who actively participated in our 2023 Digital Humanities Seed Funding Project from September 2023 to January 2024.

See below the words from Jack regarding his experience on this project!

Hi! I’m Jack, a final year Computer Engineering student. Throughout my digital humanities research project, I’ve had a chance to explore and learn so much about this field. As an engineering student, I didn’t know much about digital humanities, so this project was a fantastic opportunity for me to dive in and discover what it’s all about.

Before the project, I already had some basic knowledge about NLP and LLMs, but I didn’t have the chance to put them to use before. Moreover, analyzing an ancient Chinese novel was no ordinary task! I had to conduct extensive literature review and the development of my own methodologies for exploring the book.

One moment that really stands out to me is when I tried prompt engineering. I thought it would be a piece of cake since I’m used to using ChatGPT as a student. But I was wrong, prompt engineering turned out to be way more challenging than I expected. It involved techniques like Directional-stimulus prompting and chain-of-thought, and I learned a ton from tackling that.

Another cool thing I got to work on was digitalizing the novel’s map. I created a dynamic map that showed all the routes and locations mentioned in the chapters. It was such a valuable experience because I could apply what I learned in my data visualization course to a real project.

Overall, this part-time research intern has been incredible. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to gain practical experience in digital humanities. It’s been a journey of learning and discovery that I won’t forget.

LAU Ming Kit, Jack
Year 4, BEng in Computer Engineering