About the Photographer

Lecturer, Division of Humanities, HKUST
Birdy Chu is an artist, photographer, film maker and also lecturer; he is lecturing in the Humanities of the HKUST now. Birdy was majoring in design, film & video production and advanced photography in Hong Kong and Canada. He has worked as photojournalist, video director, art curator and lecturer. His photography & films has been exhibited at many cities. He employs visual images to show his concerns on social development and leaves evidence to this ever changing world.
朱迅是一位藝術家、攝影師,短片導演。 畢業於香港理工大學設計系,在加拿大進修電影、錄像製作及進階攝影。 從事過攝影記者、導演、講師、及藝術策展人。 他的攝影及短片於多國城市展覽,作品更入選香港藝術雙年獎2009,國家地理攝影大賽2012,亞洲當代藝術獎2013,及香港流動影片節最受歡迎流動影片大獎2016。 透過影像去關注社會,是朱迅的生活哲學,為幻變的城市留下見證、記憶。
Representative Publication: 《HK 1997》
Project Team:
- Birdy CHU, Division of Humanities
- Qiuzi GUO, Division of Humanities & Library
- Holly CHAN, Library
- Sammi CHENG, student helper
This website is a Digital Humanities project by the HKUST Library and the Division of Humanities of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. All information contained in this website is meant for non-profit and educational use only. Notwithstanding all reasonable efforts have been made by the HKUST Library to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the pages of the website at the time of preparation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by the HKUST Library in respect of any use or reference to the website, or for any inaccuracies, omissions, mis-statements or errors in the said material, or for any economic or other loss which may be directly or indirectly sustained by any person to the website or any person who obtains access to the material on the website.
The photographs and the descriptions of the photographs on this website are the property of Mr Birdy Chu. No permission is granted for the electronic transmission, storage, retrieval, or printing of the photographs contained on this site (include all the pages under https://digitalhumanities.hkust.edu.hk/hk1997). No parties/individuals visiting or viewing images from this site may copy, modify, reproduce, create derivative works, print, publish, transmit, or distribute the photographs found herein. Your use of https://digitalhumanities.hkust.edu.hk/hk1997 or viewing of this statement indicates your acceptance of these conditions.
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