Released Japanese prisoners singing a farewell song to their captors of the 359th Brigade, 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army = 八路軍120師359旅遣返俘虜,日俘唱歌表示感謝
- Photographer
- Sha, Fei (沙飛)
- Date
- May 1939
- Period
- China's Republican Era = 民國時期 (1912-1949)
- Country
- China (中國)
- Province/Municipality
- Shanxi (山西省)
- County/City
- Fanshi County (繁峙縣)
- Detailed Location
- Shentangbao village (神堂堡鄉)
- Category
- Photography and Mobilization
- Dimension
- 27 x 36 cm
- Color
- black and white
- Medium
- Print developed from images provided by Wang Yan
- Source
- Donated by Wang Yan (the daughter of Sha Fei). 由王雁女士 (沙飛的女兒) 捐贈. 2017.
- Collection
- Sha Fei Photographic Collection
- Physical Location
- University Archives & Special Collections, 1/F, HKUST Library
- Terms of Use