Taihuai Town

The Basic Information of Taihuai Town

Taihuai Town,  is located in the center of Wutaishan Scenic Area in Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, China. It is an important pilgrimage site in Wutaishan. With its superior geographical location, Taihuai Town is approximately 50 kilometers away from Xinzhou city center and only 5 kilometers away from the only entrance to Wutaishan Scenic Area, making transportation convenient. Known for its long history and rich cultural heritage, Taihuai Town is a famous historical and cultural town with numerous ancient buildings, scenic spots, and traditional handicrafts, attracting a large number of visitors to come and explore.

Land: Taihuai Town has a total land area of 286,877.53 mu, with forest land covering 137,681 mu and cultivated land covering 3,666.19 mu.

Population: The town has 22 administrative villages and 52 natural villages, with a total population of 8,178 people living in 3,058 households. There are 4,657 laborers in the town, and 1,201 households with 1,969 people are engaged in tourism-related activities, including "farmhouse inns" and restaurants. The Han, Mongolian, Tibetan, Manchu, and Tujia ethnic groups are scattered throughout the town in rural areas, temples, and hospitality units.

Commerce: Local residents are mainly engaged in tourism, agriculture, animal husbandry, and transportation, with tourism accounting for about 60% of the total income, transportation accounting for 22%, animal husbandry accounting for 8%, and agriculture and other income accounting for about 10%.

Income: In 2021, the town's total national economic income reached 670 million yuan, and all economic indicators have reached a historical high. Taihuai Town has achieved the goals of increasing the income of the masses, increasing government revenue, and maintaining social stability, and is currently experiencing an economic boom, social stability, and happy and prosperous residents.

The Importance of Taihuai Town

Taihuai Town is the center of religious activity in Mount Wutai due to the concentration of most of the temples and monasteries in the area. As an important pilgrimage site in China, the town attracts countless visitors every year who come to worship and pay their respects at these religious sites. Taihuai Town is also home to many Buddhist monks and nuns who live and practice at the temples, making it a hub for religious and spiritual exchange.

Taihuai Town is also a hub for commercial and residential activities Mount Wutai. With a high population density, the town is home to many shops, restaurants, and markets, making it an important center for business and trade. Additionally, Taihuai Town is also a venue for various cultural and festive events throughout the year, including music and dance performances, markets, and traditional festivals, attracting visitors from all over the world.


Mount Wutai has formed a community with the center of temple clusters and tourism business in Taihuai Town. Based on this, people with different identities like monks, governmental officials, residents, and business men show a unique interaction under the Buddhism atmosphere in this society. Researching Taihuai Town is very important for understanding contemporary Mount Wutai.